“The most challenging independent children tend to be the ones who need the most intentional parental reconnection. Strong will= strong need!” – L.R. Knost

Ever wonder why your friends or neighbours don’t seem to find parenting hard? Why they don’t follow parenting experts or take parenting courses or read parenting books? 

It is THIS! 

Their children are not the challenging and/or fiercely independent ones that YOU have. 

YOU have to remember to not get into power struggles and only set limits that are necessary for health or safety. 

YOU have to dig deep for creative ideas and get playful to find win/win solutions so that your child will cooperate. 

YOU have to make time for connection because you know that your relationship with your child is the only true way that you can influence them. 

YOU have to be more intentional in your parenting because your children have greater needs. 

YOU have to take better care of yourself because you need more resources so that you can meet the needs of your children.

YOU have to remind yourself that your kids are doing the best they can and that you are also doing the best you can. 

I see YOU.

YOU are also the one who will look with pride and joy on your growing kids when all this pays off and your kids are confident, interesting AND interested, kind, independent, fierce young people. 

Remind yourself of this when it feels like YOU are the only one struggling. 

YOU are not alone. 

From this side- I can tell you it is all worth it! ❤

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"How To Stop Yelling At Your Kids" 


Ready to transform your parenting experience? Bid farewell to losing your cool and the guilt that follows, as you learn effective strategies to replace yelling with composure, creating a more joyful and relaxed atmosphere for both you and your children.

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How To Stop Yelling At Your Kids